Our Volunteers = Our Village

As the ancient proverb states - it takes a village. That saying is so true for the dogs in the Gilmer County Shelter.
Without each one of our volunteers, we could not make a difference in the dogs’ lives.
We can never say THANK YOU enough!

The two things that we as volunteers share are a compassionate heart and a love for dogs. You can’t beat that combination!!

Monthly Social Gatherings

No bones about it, we work hard at the shelter! During our shifts, we work well together as a team, but don’t have time to stop and socialize - the dogs need us!

On the 3rd Saturday of each month we meet at a local winery or brewery to relax and catch up on life outside the shelter.

2023 Dates and Places

Sunday, January 22 - Ott Vineyards 4PM

Sunday, February 19 - Buckley Vineyards 4PM

Sunday, March 19 - Canoe Vineyards 4PM

Sunday, June 18 - Fannin Brewing 4PM

Sunday, July 16 - Angry Hops Brewing 4PM

Sunday, August 20 - Grapes & Ladders 4PM

Sunday, September 17 - Roo Vineyard 4PM

Sunday, October 15 - Engleheim Vineyards 4PM

Sunday, November 19 - Grumpy Old Men 4PM